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How to improve memory for Spanish learning

Learning Spanish, or any foreign language, is difficult. However, there are some great tips out there that can help you improve your memory for Spanish learning. 

One tip for improving your memory in order to learn Spanish easier, it to use mnemonics to link words. This simply means that you will use images to link words from your native language with Spanish words. This technique is called the 'link method' and it was formalized by Dr. Michael Gruneberg. It is also called the 'LinkWord' technique.
Pairing these words from one language to another will help you acquire the basic vocabulary needed to get by in the language. It can also be learned quickly, in as few as ten hours.

For example, take the English word for house, and pair it with the Spanish word for house, which is casa. Now, link the two together in images, and find a fun way for you to remember them, via pictures. Perhaps a case of wine in your house? A casa to a house?

Different Forms of the Word

Another great way to improve your memory for Spanish learning is to simply transform a foreign word into a different form, one that is understandable for you.

Typically, when you begin learning a language, the words are indecipherable. You need to try and visualize the word, in order to commit the word to your long-term memory. This will make it possible for you to recall the word, which is the first step in learning.

Break difficult words down into parts. Then, put this collection of parts into what you feel is a meaningful word to you. That is the first step to really memorize the word.

The next step will be to link these pictures together and put the word back into your mind, and understand it. The best way to do all of this is through visualization.

Once you can visualize, you will have no trouble memorizing. 
And finally, if you can visualize basic vocabulary and link them with the right places in your environment, it becomes very easy to memorize. Know that a book is in a library, and then link those two words together, helping you memorize them together.

If you can connect words to places, these images become locked together. 
These method are fun and easy to use and will help you create pictures and phrases in your mind.